Sunday, December 14, 2008


Hello and welcome to my new self-improvement" weblog. It's not just going to be about weight loss, but about the steps I am taking to better myself in general. I have always felt like I have a lot of potential, but for some reason, I hold back and I stop myself from being the person that I need to be, that I can be.

But not anymore. I am frankly tired of it, and for health reasons, too. It's not just about being overweight, but it's about wanting to be a better person.

I am sitting here watching this show on the Style network about an engaged couple who wants to lose weight. They have 12 weeks and they are expected to lose about 40 pounds each. And it made me think... why can I just dedicate 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks to losing weight? The way time has been passing since I have been here, well, I could have lost about 50 pounds. Why do I hold myself back? Especially when I know I can do it!

So I decided that today, I am going to start making some changes, and for real this time. I am just tired of not being the person who I want to be, the person I am fully capable of being.

I am going to come up with a plan, and weekly, monthly, and long-term goals that I will accomplish.

from my original blog at 3FC.